However, news has it that Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a glass-less 3D display technology suitable for use in movie theatre settings, even though it is just a sample. The MIT Computers Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have developed a display that allows people to view the 3D effect in a movie theatre, from any seat in the house with no glasses required. CSAIL, which has collaborated with Israel’s Weiszmann Institute of Science, has created a prototype called ‘Cinema 3D’ that uses a complication setting of mirrors and lenses to make a set number of parallax barriers, which based on seat locations can address every viewing angle in the theatre. The researchers found out that unlike home, this can be done in movie theatres as we are very much sure where audience members are going to be: the seats are in fixed locations, and during the screening of a movie, people don’t look to move around, change seats or otherwise change their angle of viewing too much. Other efforts at large-scale glass-less 3D viewing conveys costs in terms of image resolution, as they have to cover all the angles from the projector itself, which seperates the total number of pixels showcased to any one person by a sharp margin. Another advantage to the Cinema 3D method by CSAIL and the Weiszmann institute is that it conserves resolution, offering a crunchy image to every viewer. The prototype, which is about the size of a letter-sized notepad and needs 50 sets of lenses and mirrors, isn’t ready for the market just yet. However, researchers are hopeful that they can upgrade to a commercially viable product in time, as the practicality of the designed is proved.

Source: Mit