SecuTablet is based on Samsung Galaxy S 10.5 and has been developed by BlackBerry in partnership with  IBM and Samsung. The SecuTablet is also a result of BlackBerry’s purchase of security firm, Secusmart last year and is BlackBerry’s attempt to woo buyers who are more inclined towards privacy and security. Priced at $2,380.oo BlackBerry has made it clear that, SecuTablet is not intended for everyday users but a elite niche because it is built with the sole purpose of preventing data on the tablet being leaked by any methods. SecuTablet also gives total encryption to voice and data services through a built-in Secusmart Security Card. Apart from all the security features, SecuTablet will also have your run of the mill Apps like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube without worry of security compromises. SecuTablet runs Apps and data services separately and totally isolated from personal information stored on the device, much like Samsung’s Knox secure container method. In fact, Samsung has collaborated with BlackBerry to provide secure working environment. SecuTablet runs on Android and BlackBerry hopes that SecuTablet will be the go to solution for businesses and privacy lovers.