The pop-up appears when Inbox users login and states “Thanks for trying Inbox! To make it easier we’ve updated Gmail to redirect you here”. Even the old familiar url has disappeared and now Inbox instead resides at Inbox by Gmail, which Forbes reports offers more tech-savvy features like smart recognition of photos and documents, Google is now giving them the option to opt out. Some Gmail users are reportedly signing in and being redirected to and given the option to stay. Forbes also notes that Google has given the option of staying in the old format to users. Any user who doesn’t want Inbox to replace Gmail has the option to “Turn it Off” which pushes both services back to their dedicated domains. Inbox was introduced in October 2014 and Google seems to hold that Inbox is now ready for actual deployment among Gmail users. Upto now Inbox by Gmail was seen to run concurrently with Gmail but now it seems, Google see Inbox as a replacement for Gmail rather than the separate service. Interestingly, another website, 9to5Google says that Google has been performing this quiet migration for some time. And the results have been quite positive for Inbox by Gmail. So there you have it, sometime by end of 2016 we may have to say goodbye to Gmail. RIP Gmail!