“There was another explosion of the Galaxy Note 7. It was my friend’s phone. A Samsung employee checked the site and he is currently in talks over the compensation with Samsung. You should use its original charger just in case and leave the phone far away from where you are while charging,” read the post. While some users who saw the post claim the photo looked very similar to the Galaxy Note 7 that was reported to have burnt in the first incident, the others claimed that the models were different. The first report of a Galaxy Note 7 randomly exploding appeared online on August 24 when images were published of the damaged device that blew up in China while connected to a microUSB to USB Type-C converter. The post read, “My boyfriend’s Galaxy Note 7 exploded while charging at night. I woke up by the bang and the smell of smoke.” However, it is not clear if the owner was using the official adapter or a third-party offering. It’s believed that Samsung Electronics has acquired the handset, which was rendered useless during the fire, and is carrying out extensive tests to determine the cause of the explosion. If the problem is extensive, then Samsung might have to recall a large number of units, which will once again deliver a crippling blow to the company’s revenue stream and reputation. The company has not issued any statement so far. Lately, companies have been suggesting users to charge their handsets only with the official charger so as to avoid damage to their devices.