A new research paper tries to solve the age old mystery of “Black Hole” by explaining what could really happens if you touch itFuzzball theory claims Black Hole is not deadly and it just swallows whatever falls into it thereby creating imperfect copies of the same.

A new paper tries to solve the age old mystery of Black Hole by putting up the weird Fuzzball theory to explain what actually happens if one would touch it. This bizarre theory claims that the boundary of black hole does not destroy the material which touches it; on the contrary it creates imperfect copies of those materials that stand on the surface of a black hole’s boundary. During a conference held in Paris last week, a new research paper was presented which proposed a new theory which could help to understand black hole in a completely different angle. The theory was proposed by Dr Samir Mathur, a professor of physics at Ohio State University (OSU) and the sole author of the paper. The current main stream theory suggests that black holes have blazing firewalls which would destroy anything and everything that touches it. On the contrary, Dr Mathur’s proposed Fuzzball theory completely disagrees with the main stream theory and suggests that the surface of the black hole is not made of blazing firewall. Instead it suggests that black hole is an impregnable body which will not destroy anything that approaches it and oddly enough would simply transform the material into imperfect copies of the itself in the form of a hologram which then gets embedded onto the surface of the fuzzball forever thus continuing to exist as before. Pam Gorder, an OSU writer who is currently writing Dr Mathur’s latest research said: “They see black holes not as killers, but rather as benign copy machines of a sort.” Dr Mathur had originally released his Fuzzball theory way back in 2003, then he suggested that black hole had a defined and fuzzy surface. Further, he had also suggested that materials ‘did not fall into’ black holes and rather ‘it fell on to’ them thus resulting into perfect copies of itself. The entire scientific community was actually thrilled with this fuzzball theory as it seemed to provide a resolution to a much outstanding paradox about the black hole. The paradox of black hole was originally presented by astrophysicist Stephen Hawking some 40 years back and till now scientists have been trying to find an explanation for the same. Dr Mathur’s proposed theory was much more appealing because it supported the theory which suggests that universe is a hologram. What is this holographic principle: The Holographic principle says that that mathematically speaking our universe is only two dimensional; however it appears to be a three dimensional because all the required description of 3D objects is hidden in the flattened and real 2D version of the universe. This theory indicates that our Universe behaves like a giant Hologram and due to this effect whatever we see around us is a mere projection of two dimensional surface. This can be understood by taking the example of a security chip on the credit card which has a surface in altogether another dimension which cannot be seen by naked eyes, however it contains all the essential details to connect to our bank accounts. Dr Mathur says: ‘If we consider the destructive inferno theory of black hole to be true then the idea of the universe as a hologram has to be wrong.’ Way back in 2003, when Dr Mathur first proposed his ‘Fuzzball theory’, the physicists questioned it and argued that perfect copies of holograms could not be made and stated that it was impossible to form twin copy or perfect copy. Dr Mathur presented his advanced theory in a new paper “ArXiv“ which states “A model with no firewall” and it concludes that the imperfect copies of materials that are formed when any material touches the black hole. This new research was presented last week. Dr Mathur’s latest paper resolves the issue of formation of exact copy and showed how imperfect copies could be possible. Dr Mathur’s advanced research thus manages to settle the black hole information paradox in two ways: Dr Mathur told Business Insider: “The fuzzball structure resolves this paradox; that is the reason I believe in it.” He also adds that “imperfection is the key” because it allows for the imperfect copies to form. He also added: ‘There’s no such thing as a perfect black hole, because every black hole is different.’ Cosmology believes the universe tends to favor imperfection and it is only due to imperfection that our universe is still existing even after the Big Bang. Further, cosmology also suggests that this imperfection in the universe enables gravity to hold matter together and thus form stars, planets and galaxies. With Dr Mathur’s logic the entire scientific community is now divided into two groups, one which supports the age old ‘firewall theory’ and the second which supports Dr Mathur’s ‘fuzzball theory’. Dr Mathur concludes that extensive study needs to be done to prove either of the theory to be true. One way to resolve this mystery could be to conduct a scientific experiment using the CERN. While speaking to Business Insider, Dr Mathur said: “It is hard to check the fuzzball structure explicitly by an experiment. One way would be if we could ever make tiny black hole in an accelerator like [those at] CERN.” At CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research), particle accelerators bang particles at near speed of light and this can generate extreme environments which are more or less similar to an early Universe. However, whether CERN can produce tiny black holes is still a big question. Well, for now, it is just a question of ‘whether one accepts the idea of imperfection or no’ because if one accepts imperfection then the theory of Fuzzball holds true and in turn the theory of hologram also fits in!!